
Showing posts from June 26, 2012

More Updates, Here and There

Hey, everyone.  I apologize for not blogging as regularly as I should be, but the truth is, I feel like I have nothing interesting to blog about. However, I'll try anyway with this entry, so, here goes. First off: I would like to thank WinxGirl34 (a user on DeviantART and on ) for some awesome crossover fanfiction.  This person is a real fan of my absolute favorite groups, i.e. Winx Club  and  Disney Princesses , and can write excellent fanfiction crossovers, splicing the characters of Winx Club  into the stories of the Disney Princesses.  (Links are available above.)  A few days ago, I participated in a Black-Out session, boycotting the  website, in the hopes that writers like WinxGirl34 would not be deleted by the security protocols.  Let's hope ChrisJan34 continues to entertain people like me with good stories. Second off: A few weeks ago, my bank underwent serious changes: Now, unless I tighten my bel...