Fairytales and Valkyries
Hey, you guys. Just wanted to post a blog about the coming summer and what it will bring for Yu-Gi-Oh! fans. Remember Zigfried von Schroeder and his brother Leon ? Well, Trading Card collectors always wanted their cards, so, this summer, two new Booster Packs will be releasing many of the brothers' cards. Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge will be the first on the list, releasing many of Leon's cards used by him in the KC-1 Grand Prix Championship. That's right. Cinderella , Pumpkin Carriage , Iron Hans , and many others will finally get their day in the sun. Not only that, but the sought-after Golden Castle of Stromberg will also get its release. The Fairytale cards all revolve around this Field Spell, but it has a high price. However, should you play your cards right, you can build a Deck around this dangerous card. As for Zigfried's cards, they will get their release in Shadows in Valhalla . Yes, readers, t...