
Showing posts from October 18, 2019

Soseztheleadr Meets Rapunzel, the Lost Princess of Corona

In the case my meeting with Tiana isn't enough to encourage you to subscribe to my blogs, I have one more meeting with one of my favorite Disney Princesses. Here, you'll see my meeting with my second favorite Princess, the lost Princess Rapunzel of Corona. I'm sure none of you can get enough of Rapunzel, because you can't get enough of her and that Frying Pan.  I mean, after all, she's a crack shot with that kitchen utensil. Frying Pans: They're not just for cooking anymore. Anyway, I hope that this aids you, my dear readers, in sharing my blog with others, because I could use as many subscribers as possible.  Farewell for now, and as always, keep smiling, and keep dreaming.

Soseztheleadr Meets Princess Tiana in Princess Fairytale Hall

Sorry I've been behind in sharing videos from my YouTube channel , so I'll make up for it with this gem of a video. Here, I show my short but sweet meeting with Princess Tiana  from The Princess and the Frog , and I must tell you, she is as friendly as she was in her film.  She adored my shirt, because it was a green color, and we made small talk.  I think she's climbing up the list of my favorite Disney Princesses. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this newest share, and as always, keep smiling, and keep dreaming.