The War with My Mom Is Over
That's right, everyone. The blog title says it all.
And why is the war with my Mom over? Because she's finally owned up to all of the misdeeds that made me fail in life.
As proof, here is the letter I'd had her write, explaining all of her wrongdoings.
(BTW, "Nobody" refers to me, if anyone wants to know.)
Dear Nobody:
I am writing this letter to express my deepest apology to you for over 35 years of pain, suffering, disrespect of interest, and abandonment.
In high school, I advised you to stick someone with a pen to stop them from bullying you when you said you were being bullied and the teachers did nothing to stop it. I am sorry about giving you that advice because it got you suspended. After that event, you were put in an after-school program so you could make some friends, but it didn't work out, and you didn't make any friends.
I am sorry that I tried to break your hand and make you an invalid, and for making you take the bus when you said you wanted your parents out of your life.
I am sorry that I encouraged you to go to college and enrolled you at my Alma Mater, Tuskegee University, to further your education; that after you left Tuskegee University and started going to Brooklyn College, you were determined to be unstable after a confrontation with the music instructor and was hospitalized at Gracie Square Hospital. Upon discharge, you started therapy and Psych medication.
I am sorry that I told you that welfare (the Human Resources Administration) would get you a job and help you move out on your own. I WAS WRONG. They have not been helpful. They only provide financial support for food.
I didn't know when I gave you the information about self-publishing that you would get addicted to writing and publishing. I thought that it would give you an outlet for your thoughts and feelings and get your writing known.
I really apologize for calling the head of "Exodia the Forbidden One" a headdress.
I apologize for not watching 19 years of Power Rangers television shows: Zeo,Turbo, In Space, Lost Galaxy, Lightspeed Rescue, Time Force, Wild Force, Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder, Space Patrol Delta,Mystic Force, Operation Overdrive, Jungle Fury, R.P.M., Samurai, Super Samurai, and Megaforce.
I am sorry for taking you to too many funerals too early in life (two of them are Helen Dale and Daisy Ankom), and for being unable to stop your father from waking you up to tell you that your grandmother had died, and for taking you to Baptist Churches when there were no Catholic available when you were a child.
Yours truly,
Your Mom, N.M. Johnson
And that about sums it up. The rest, as they say, is history. So, farewell for now, and as always, keep smiling, and keep dreaming.