B-Fighter Kabuto Beet Arms Set ビーファイターカブト ビートアームズセット
Hello, dear readers.
I was hoping to share this video in the hopes that anyone could lead me to a site that may still sell this set, the DX Beet Arms Set.
For anyone not familiar with this set, it would have been called the Astral Arsenal, had it been released in the United States.
It wasn't released in the U.S., but I'm hoping that anyone could give me a lead on where it still may be sold.
I have now obtained the Data Laser (or, Input Card Gun, as it's called in B-Fighter Kabuto) and the Astral Datadex (the Semissions Magazine), so if anyone can help me, please comment with a possible web site link that may still sell the remaining components to this set.
Thanks for your help, and as always, keep smiling, and keep dreaming.