Queen Clarisse Escapes from the Echo Torture Chamber
Hello, dear readers.
Today is the 14th anniversary of when my channel went active on YouTube, and in honor of this day, I decided to upload a fan film that I feel very proud of. If you hear any similarities to the "Batman" TV series, you're not imagining things; I got the dialogue from a certain episode, i.e. "The Bat's Kow-Tow".
Anyway, now that that's off my chest, this fan film stars Queen Clarisse Renaldi of Genovia, from "The Princess Diaries". Here, Clarisse is trapped in an Echo Chamber, being tortured by the sound of a dripping faucet. Yeah, you think, how is that possible? Well, try to imagine the sound of a dripping faucet magnified TEN MILLION TIMES! No, you didn't hear me wrong. Anyway, as you'll watch, she does escape, thanks to her magnificent singing voice, which shatters the glass of the chamber and frees her from this fate worse than death.
Hope you watch and enjoy.